PSYCH-K® is a user-friendly way to rewrite the software of your mind & change the print out of your life

Rob Williams

Founder of PSYCH-K®

So you want to change something about your life but don’t know how.

You’ve tried to change before, but it didn’t last. You don’t feel like you have the power to make a real change.

PSYCH-K® is a process that uses simple techniques to change beliefs that keep you stuck in the same patterns of behavior. With PSYCH-K®, you can finally create the changes you want and deserve in your life.

You’re probably familiar with the saying, “change your thoughts, change your life.” Well, PSYCH-K® is a process that can help you do just that.

Your reality is shaped by your beliefs.

What do I mean by this? Let’s look at a simple example…


Some people love spiders, others are terrified of them. What makes the spider “good” to one person and “bad” to another is the belief that each person holds about spiders.

The spider is the same – it does not change.

Your own beliefs about spiders will very much depend on what you’ve been told or experienced about spiders:

  • Your family’s opinion about spiders

  • what you learned at school about spiders from your teachers and friends

  • what TV programmes you might have watched about spiders

All of these external factors will shape your own beliefs.


As we move through life, we pick up all sorts of beliefs, or “programming” about how our life is, and our beliefs get shaped by our external environment & experiences.

It’s so easy for our outside world to influence our beliefs!

Sometimes we pick up helpful beliefs from outside of ourselves, for example

  • I am creative

  • I’m good with people

  • I am caring

And sometimes the beliefs we pick up over our lifetime can be unhelpful, for example

  • I am not good enough

  • I am broken

  • There’s something wrong with me

All of these beliefs are often shaped by what we’ve been told or seen, and are not necessarily true.

Once a belief has been embedded into our subconscious mind, it can be really hard to change. This is great if it’s a positive belief! But what if it’s not…?

Let’s talk about the subconscious mind…

Your subconscious mind is running your life 95% of the time?!

NINETY-FIVE PERCENT of your life is happening on auto-pilot, below your conscious awareness?! ​


Before you are able to give spiders a conscious thought, your subconscious mind will have you running away from spiders (if your belief is that spiders are scary!)


And it can be hard to change that subconscious response.

What’s the difference between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind?

Great question! Huge question! But in a nutshell…

The conscious mind is the part of the brain that is responsible for:

  • thoughts

  • logic

  • cell renewal

  • analytical processing

  • actions that we are aware of

For example, when we decide to walk, talk, write an email or eat, it is our conscious mind that is in control.


The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is responsible for our automatic and involuntary actions, such as:

  • heartbeat

  • emotional responses

  • digestion

  • immune system

  • learned programs shaping habits, beliefs & behaviours that we may not be aware of

  • creativity

  • intuition

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Why does this matter?

There can be a disconnect between our conscious & subconscious mind about a belief or situation.


This imbalance can cause us to experience stress, overwhelm, negative emotions & a general sense of discomfort or frustration.

When both sides of the brain are in alignment we experience a sense of peace, ease and satisfaction.

This is where PSYCH-K® can help

PSYCH-K® offers you a really simple way to change beliefs held in your subconscious mind that are not serving you.


It can also help you transform past events in your life that are still affecting you negatively.

PSYCH-K® can help you let go of old stories and past traumas to shape a new life where you feel calm and free.

PSYCH-K® helps you to align both the historical programming stored in your subconscious with your conscious thoughts so both sides of your brain are looking in the same direction and in agreement with each other.


When both sides of your brain are balanced and in agreement with each other it makes new thought patterns & behaviours easy for you to action.


Being Balanced in this way can remove our internal struggles and stress.

PSYCH-K® takes you beyond the limitations of affirmations, willpower & positive thinking.

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